Check back in 50 years: Bentonville time capsule dedicated at Thursday event

BENTONVILLE -- The city's 150th anniversary time capsule was dedicated Thursday, and now the wait to reopen it begins. The event was part of the Fa...

October 6, 2023
12:58 PM

BENTONVILLE -- The city's 150th anniversary time capsule was dedicated Thursday, and now the wait to reopen it begins. The event was part of the Fall Bentonville Connections meeting at the Community Center that drew more than 100 people. Other features of the meeting included a volunteer fair and updates on city projects. The capsule will be opened in 50 years. It will be in a display case at City Hall, 305 S.W. A St., said Baylea Birchfield with the Planning Department's Neighborhoods Team. Submitted items represent Bentonville today.

Mike Jones